Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey
.......................................................... -- Lennon & McCartney

Does it really have 1/3 less tar?
Dig it, baby!
I think I'll go jumping for joy now
Go rolling in the sand
Shaking everybody's hand
And maybe pet my Asian monkey
Who smokes 'em in the first place
To keep him off his diet
Of bread and milk and honey
Reading his funny papers
Just like Curious George
I hear he killed the cat
And is going out of control
All because of that puzzle piece
That the man with the yellow hat
Forced down his throat
For riding the bicycle
And befriending a goat
Wait a minute --
Monkeys can't read
Or ride a bike to develop great speed
Perhaps we should look at this
In the full light of day
Or try to read my lips
As the fleshy pages say
That Harrison has worn a hat of yellow
......every day

© 1981 Jon Boecher
All rights reserved.