A new page on which I tell the truth about USC

The greatest game in the history of college sports... January 4th, 2006... The Rose Bowl... Texas 41, USC 38...


The following is an actual email dialogue in which I totally shut down a pathetic, bitter USC fan:

Ken: Greeting from the great land of the Champions! Henceforth you shall tremble before me as I represent the great state of Texas that beat your best at the Rose Bowl! More respect from you guys now!

Gene: It was the coaches fault... He should have punted... USC is the best team... the best team does not always win... but the best player is not Reggie Bush... It is Vince Young... I won anyway... I bet on Texas... I rooted for USC... win some lose some...

Me: "USC is the best team" ??? How do you define "best"? If you want to compare two teams, and find out which one is better, what other way is there than to have them play each other?

Gene: For one given day... one team wins and one team loses... if the same teams plays 10 times and one wins 6 or more times that is the best team... This can never happen so we can never prove the best team... We can only determine the team with the most wins... which is fair enough... but in my opionion (sic) USC was the better team... but the best team does not always win... except in the long run...

Me: In that case, I proclaim that UCLA is the best football team.

Gene: This is not even close to true.. Their record speaks for its self... Statistics are the basis for handicapping for a reason... and that is they do show a trend... In the case of betting for UCLA or USC... There is no question as to who you should bet... and probably for the next five years...

Me: Logically, you can't say USC is better than UCLA without admitting that Texas is better than USC.

(At this point, Gene must have realized that he had been checkmated. But, of course, he couldn't admit that to me. So, for all intents and purposes, the dialogue ends here. Suffice it to say that Gene, to this day, maintains that "the best team doesn't always win.")

Crybaby Leinart, in his post-game interview, whines, "I still think we're the better team."