to the tune of Love Potion Number Nine as recorded by The Searchers (starting with the second verse)

formerly titled "Three Wives has Ralph"

aabbccddeeffggh She got the kind of gams that make men faint
You'd never guess that Eve White was a saint
Her mammary equipment I wish I could have spied
She named 'em Dr. Jekyll
              and his pal Mr. Hyde
She broke up with Ralph 'cause he drove her insane
The intrapsychic ectoplasm split at the seam
She had three personalities the last one was Jane
The phantom of the ditch ran through
              her troubled dream
I didn't know if it was wrong or right
Just tell me why Eve White was so uptight
Eve Black was the one who was having all the fun
So why'd you have to bring up
              that old blue china cup?


© 2001 Jon Boecher